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Silhouette Computer and Tutoring Services

If a computer is involved, we can help!

Services offered

We provide customized computer instruction for users, regardless of your experience level. We can help you with basic PC literacy, understanding and navigating through Windows. Learn to save documents with basic Word Processing instruction. We also give one-on-one instruction on the Internet and how to use and enjoy email from friends and family.

Our Services Involve

  • One-on-One Instruction
  • Group Computer Instruction (Churches and Senior Homes)
  • Short, easy sessions
  • Personalized instruction
  • Study only what you need
  • Learn on your own computer

Silhouette specializes in Computer Instruction
and Training for seniors

We can instruct you how to use the necessary software and programs to connect with family and friends. We can help seniors enjoy their independence, explore their interests and suggest new areas for seniors to explore and experience.


Don't have time to take courses, get annoyed by classes that drag through the parts you know and fly through the parts you don't know? With one on one tutoring we spend the time on the areas you want to learn without wasting time on what you already know.

Tutoring can be in-depth or an overview. It doesn't matter if you've never worked with a particular program or system or have been working with it for years, tutoring is the answer.

Let Silhouette Computer Solutions Empower You

Some examples of Available Instruction include:

  • basic & advanced email
  • organize files, documents, pictures
  • using scanners and printers
  • software installation and updates
  • antivirus setup
  • downloads and security issues
  • email setup: Outlook, Express, Yahoo, Hotmail, GMAIL
  • view & share photos/family videos
  • find events, tickets, restaurants, travel, activities
  • find recipes, convert your favourite recipes to digit
  • instant messaging, web cam, Skype lessons
  • online banking/credit card payments
  • download government forms
  • Internet Search instruction
  • order groceries and specialty items
  • listen to audio books
  • access News
  • explore travel destinations
  • digital photography
  • Family Trees & Genealogy
  • play games
  • online dating
  • blogging
  • downloading music and books - legally

Office help

Quite often clients need just a few hours help a week, or a one time project completed. Too much work for existing staff, not enough work to justify another employee, even a part-time employee? We can help ease the workload, either by performing small tasks (deadline guarantees) to one-time projects. Need an Excel spreadsheet created to track office expenses, an invoicing system created, data entry etc., we can help you get, and stay, caught up.


Draft your newsletter and send it to us for proofing and/or formatting and/or distribution using your mailing lists. Mailing lists must conform to current anti-spam laws. Mailing lists will not be sold or distributed to third parties and are held confidential.

Technical Support

Hardware problems

Many problems can be resolved over the phone or on-site*. In the event a computer needs a complete overhaul we remove the computer to our office and return it when the overhaul is complete. No need for you to disconnect and transport your computer.
*(On site support is only available locally; hardware support is available by phone, msn or internet for other areas)

Software problems

Trying to load a program, software crashing, computer freezing? Many software problems can be resolved over the phone or with an internet connection. With XP or Vista we can connect to your computer and see exactly what is happening and walk you through the fix. This serves to fix the problem and also teach you how to resolve the problem yourself so you don't have to rely on outside help.

Computer Data and System Back Ups

Back ups are necessary evils but we don't always have the time or patience to deal with disks and programs and storage; not too mention obsolete media forms - Remember 5 1/4" floppies? Tape drives? Let us help you with your back up solutions.

Contact us today to see how our services can help you with all your computer needs.

Contact Us

Pamala-Rose Combs
Your friendly computer tutoring specialist
Email Pamala

24370-46A Ave
Langley BC V2Z 2M3


Tekkie Time

Ever wondered where the experts get those short cuts from? Check out my blog on Tips, Tricks & Hints.


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"...very knowledgeable in computer service, editing your important documents or newsletters. I have used her services for the past few years and found her to patient, professional and prompt..."
R. Burzan, Surrey, BC - Solutions Organizing & Staging.


"Pamala was a lifesaver, I wanted to learn all about computers; as a senior going on 74 it is hard to find someone sho understands where you are coming from. First English is my second language and I didn't learn to type in school so it was difficult for me to learn.
That was a year ago, now I go on the Internet, Skype, MSN, use Adobe Reader, Word, Power Point and much more all because Pamala came into my life.
If she an teach me, she can teach anybody.
Anna Ochocki, White Rock, BC


"...over 5 years ago I realized the importance of having someone who understood how my computer worked so I could get maximum performance out of it. You have been available for me when I have needed you and it has been wonderful to be able to pick up the telephone and call you. One of the greatest things is that I don't have to wait for you to come over to my computer that you could go virtually online and come on and see what is going on. Your services have been absolutely indispensable to the success of my company..."
W. March, Langley, BC - Phonetalk.

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